Know your value to know yourself
Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is Agung Prabowo, I am an 8th semester student from Singaperbangsa Karawang University and majoring in Informatics Engineering. I am currently participating in the Gigih 2.0 Program, a program initiated by the Anak Bangsa Bisa Foundation, an institution affiliated with one of the largest tech companies in Indonesia, namely Goto. In this article, I will tell you a little about Personal Branding.
We must be familiar with the term Personal Branding. Linguistically, Personal Branding can be interpreted as a widely-recognized and largely-uniform perception or impression of an individual based on their experience, expertise, competencies, actions and/or achievements within a community. I personally think that Personal Branding is an image (not in a negative sense) of what has been done. Personal Branding is one of the important soft skills that need to be possessed and also learned.
In building Personal Branding, of course we need to know what our values and vision/mission are, knowing our values and vision/mission will certainly make it easier for us to know ourselves more deeply, know what we want, what what we need, and knowing what our goals are so that we can finally build a personal branding that fits ourselves without having to “pretend” to be someone else.
On this occasion I would like to share a little about my vision/mission and values. I’m trying to put it in a format like this
I have a vision to become a reliable software developer who can solve the problems of many people in a product app so that it can have a positive impact and make the lives of many other people easier. then in achieving that vision of course I have a mission, my current mission that I hold is to want to join a startup that has just grown and developed, I want to feel how it feels to build a product from the beginning until it is ready to be used by many people and also until eventually I also want to join a big tech company or commonly known as a unicorn or decacorn such as Gojek, Tokopedia, etc. I also wanted to experience what it’s like to be on a team that manages and develops a product that has a big impact and is used by millions of people.
There are 3 values that I hold, namely Growth Mindset, Keep Learning, and Never Give Up:
- Growth Mindset
The growth mindset can be interpreted as the mindset of someone who understands that the abilities or talents possessed since childhood are a start. These abilities or talents can continue to develop with hard work and dedication. I believe in this and am still learning how to have a Growth Minset because in the world of technology and application development, it will continue to grow and the need for it will also continue to increase. So it is necessary to have a growth mindset so that you continue to learn and not be complacent about your abilities.
- Keep Learning
Human needs that continue to increase and also technological developments that continue to grow rapidly “force” us to continue to follow the times. Having the value of Keep Learning is very important because it will be able to develop and process to be able to answer existing problems and also not be complacent.
- Never Give Up
In doing something, they are often faced with situations that are not in accordance with expectations and plans, and it is not uncommon for what has been done and done ends up failing. But having an unyielding nature can of course help pass the challenges, no matter how much you fall but how much you get up again.
This article is a little sharing from my personal experience and how I build personal branding that suits me so that I can continue to grow, hopefully this article can be useful for others. Feel free to discuss about this in the comment section.
thank you